Post Position Statistics compiled through September 6, 2019 - Post 1. game 1,9 wins. game 2,8 wins. game 3,4 wins. game 4,9 wins. game 5,6 wins. game 6,10 wins. game 7,8 wins. game 8,12 wins. 66 total wins. - Post 2. game 1,10 wins. game 2,5 wins. game 3,7 wins. game 4,10 wins. game 5,11 wins. game 6,7 wins. game 7,6 wins. game 8,7 wins. 63 total wins. - Post 3. game 1,5 wins. game 2,10 wins. game 3,11 wins. game 4,7 wins. game 5,3 wins. game 6,5 wins. game 7,8 wins. game 8,4 wins. 53 total wins. - Post 4. game 1,7 wins. game 2,6 wins. game 3,8 wins. game 4,6 wins. game 5,11 wins. game 6,9 wins. game 7,9 wins. game 8,4 wins. 60 total wins. - Post 5. game 1,10 wins. game 2,6 wins. game 3,8 wins. game 4,5 wins. game 5,5 wins. game 6,5 wins. game 7,4 wins. game 8,2 wins. 45 total wins. - Post 6. game 1,5 wins. game 2,5 wins. game 3,6 wins. game 4,6 wins. game 5,8 wins. game 6,7 wins. game 7,6 wins. game 8,6 wins. 49 total wins. - Post 7. game 1,2 wins. game 2,6 wins. game 3,2 wins. game 4,4 wins. game 5,2 wins. game 6,2 wins. game 7,4 wins. game 8,10 wins. 32 total wins. - Post 8. game 1,4 wins. game 2,6 wins. game 3,6 wins. game 4,5 wins. game 5,6 wins. game 6,7 wins. game 7,7 wins. game 8,7 wins. 48 total wins. Quiniela Statistics compiled through September 6, 2019 - 1&2,22 - 1&3,29 - 1&4,28 - 1&5,18 - 1&6,15 - 1&7,7 - 1&8,11 - 2&3,20 - 2&4,25 - 2&5,20 - 2&6,17 - 2&7,15 - 2&8,11 - 3&4,16 - 3&5,11 - 3&6,19 - 3&7,10 - 3&8,17 - 4&5,13 - 4&6,15 - 4&7,17 - 4&8,18 - 5&6,7 - 5&7,5 - 5&8,9 - 6&7,3 - 6&8,11 - 7&8,7 Perfecta Statistics compiled through September 6, 2019 - 1&2,10 - 1&3,15 - 1&4,12 - 1&5,10 - 1&6,9 - 1&7,5 - 1&8,5 - 2&1,12 - 2&3,10 - 2&4,10 - 2&5,9 - 2&6,5 - 2&7,9 - 2&8,8 - 3&1,14 - 3&2,10 - 3&4,9 - 3&5,2 - 3&6,5 - 3&7,4 - 3&8,9 - 4&1,16 - 4&2,15 - 4&3,7 - 4&5,2 - 4&6,6 - 4&7,5 - 4&8,9 - 5&1,8 - 5&2,11 - 5&3,9 - 5&4,11 - 5&6,4 - 5&7,2 - 5&8,0 - 6&1,6 - 6&2,12 - 6&3,14 - 6&4,9 - 6&5,3 - 6&7,1 - 6&8,4 - 7&1,2 - 7&2,6 - 7&3,6 - 7&4,12 - 7&5,3 - 7&6,2 - 7&8,1 - 8&1,6 - 8&2,3 - 8&3,8 - 8&4,9 - 8&5,9 - 8&6,7 - 8&7,6 Trifecta Statistics compiled through September 6, 2019 - 1&2&3,1 - 1&2&4,1 - 1&2&5,2 - 1&2&6,5 - 1&2&7,0 - 1&2&8,1 - 1&3&2,4 - 1&3&4,1 - 1&3&5,1 - 1&3&6,3 - 1&3&7,3 - 1&3&8,3 - 1&4&2,4 - 1&4&3,4 - 1&4&5,0 - 1&4&6,0 - 1&4&7,3 - 1&4&8,1 - 1&5&2,3 - 1&5&3,0 - 1&5&4,2 - 1&5&6,0 - 1&5&7,3 - 1&5&8,2 - 1&6&2,3 - 1&6&3,2 - 1&6&4,2 - 1&6&5,1 - 1&6&7,0 - 1&6&8,1 - 1&7&2,0 - 1&7&3,1 - 1&7&4,1 - 1&7&5,2 - 1&7&6,0 - 1&7&8,1 - 1&8&2,0 - 1&8&3,0 - 1&8&4,1 - 1&8&5,3 - 1&8&6,1 - 1&8&7,0 - 2&1&3,2 - 2&1&4,3 - 2&1&5,0 - 2&1&6,4 - 2&1&7,2 - 2&1&8,1 - 2&3&1,2 - 2&3&4,0 - 2&3&5,1 - 2&3&6,1 - 2&3&7,4 - 2&3&8,2 - 2&4&1,5 - 2&4&3,1 - 2&4&5,0 - 2&4&6,1 - 2&4&7,2 - 2&4&8,1 - 2&5&1,3 - 2&5&3,3 - 2&5&4,1 - 2&5&6,0 - 2&5&7,1 - 2&5&8,1 - 2&6&1,1 - 2&6&3,2 - 2&6&4,0 - 2&6&5,0 - 2&6&7,2 - 2&6&8,0 - 2&7&1,1 - 2&7&3,2 - 2&7&4,1 - 2&7&5,2 - 2&7&6,2 - 2&7&8,1 - 2&8&1,0 - 2&8&3,4 - 2&8&4,3 - 2&8&5,0 - 2&8&6,1 - 2&8&7,0 - 3&1&2,3 - 3&1&4,2 - 3&1&5,2 - 3&1&6,5 - 3&1&7,2 - 3&1&8,0 - 3&2&1,2 - 3&2&4,2 - 3&2&5,2 - 3&2&6,1 - 3&2&7,1 - 3&2&8,2 - 3&4&1,5 - 3&4&2,3 - 3&4&5,0 - 3&4&6,0 - 3&4&7,0 - 3&4&8,1 - 3&5&1,0 - 3&5&2,2 - 3&5&4,0 - 3&5&6,0 - 3&5&7,0 - 3&5&8,0 - 3&6&1,1 - 3&6&2,2 - 3&6&4,2 - 3&6&5,0 - 3&6&7,0 - 3&6&8,0 - 3&7&1,0 - 3&7&2,2 - 3&7&4,2 - 3&7&5,0 - 3&7&6,0 - 3&7&8,0 - 3&8&1,1 - 3&8&2,1 - 3&8&4,5 - 3&8&5,2 - 3&8&6,0 - 3&8&7,0 - 4&1&2,0 - 4&1&3,6 - 4&1&5,3 - 4&1&6,2 - 4&1&7,3 - 4&1&8,2 - 4&2&1,3 - 4&2&3,6 - 4&2&5,1 - 4&2&6,0 - 4&2&7,3 - 4&2&8,2 - 4&3&1,3 - 4&3&2,0 - 4&3&5,1 - 4&3&6,1 - 4&3&7,0 - 4&3&8,2 - 4&5&1,0 - 4&5&2,2 - 4&5&3,0 - 4&5&6,0 - 4&5&7,0 - 4&5&8,0 - 4&6&1,2 - 4&6&2,1 - 4&6&3,3 - 4&6&5,0 - 4&6&7,0 - 4&6&8,0 - 4&7&1,2 - 4&7&2,1 - 4&7&3,2 - 4&7&5,0 - 4&7&6,0 - 4&7&8,0 - 4&8&1,1 - 4&8&2,2 - 4&8&3,4 - 4&8&5,2 - 4&8&6,0 - 4&8&7,0 - 5&1&2,1 - 5&1&3,2 - 5&1&4,0 - 5&1&6,2 - 5&1&7,1 - 5&1&8,2 - 5&2&1,0 - 5&2&3,3 - 5&2&4,2 - 5&2&6,3 - 5&2&7,1 - 5&2&8,2 - 5&3&1,1 - 5&3&2,4 - 5&3&4,2 - 5&3&6,0 - 5&3&7,0 - 5&3&8,2 - 5&4&1,4 - 5&4&2,3 - 5&4&3,2 - 5&4&6,0 - 5&4&7,2 - 5&4&8,0 - 5&6&1,0 - 5&6&2,3 - 5&6&3,0 - 5&6&4,0 - 5&6&7,1 - 5&6&8,0 - 5&7&1,0 - 5&7&2,2 - 5&7&3,0 - 5&7&4,0 - 5&7&6,0 - 5&7&8,0 - 5&8&1,0 - 5&8&2,0 - 5&8&3,0 - 5&8&4,0 - 5&8&6,0 - 5&8&7,0 - 6&1&2,0 - 6&1&3,0 - 6&1&4,1 - 6&1&5,4 - 6&1&7,0 - 6&1&8,1 - 6&2&1,1 - 6&2&3,0 - 6&2&4,4 - 6&2&5,4 - 6&2&7,2 - 6&2&8,1 - 6&3&1,5 - 6&3&2,4 - 6&3&4,0 - 6&3&5,5 - 6&3&7,0 - 6&3&8,0 - 6&4&1,2 - 6&4&2,1 - 6&4&3,3 - 6&4&5,0 - 6&4&7,1 - 6&4&8,2 - 6&5&1,0 - 6&5&2,1 - 6&5&3,0 - 6&5&4,1 - 6&5&7,0 - 6&5&8,1 - 6&7&1,0 - 6&7&2,0 - 6&7&3,0 - 6&7&4,0 - 6&7&5,1 - 6&7&8,0 - 6&8&1,1 - 6&8&2,0 - 6&8&3,2 - 6&8&4,1 - 6&8&5,0 - 6&8&7,0 - 7&1&2,1 - 7&1&3,0 - 7&1&4,0 - 7&1&5,0 - 7&1&6,1 - 7&1&8,0 - 7&2&1,0 - 7&2&3,0 - 7&2&4,2 - 7&2&5,1 - 7&2&6,3 - 7&2&8,0 - 7&3&1,2 - 7&3&2,1 - 7&3&4,0 - 7&3&5,1 - 7&3&6,1 - 7&3&8,1 - 7&4&1,3 - 7&4&2,4 - 7&4&3,2 - 7&4&5,3 - 7&4&6,0 - 7&4&8,0 - 7&5&1,0 - 7&5&2,1 - 7&5&3,0 - 7&5&4,1 - 7&5&6,0 - 7&5&8,1 - 7&6&1,0 - 7&6&2,0 - 7&6&3,1 - 7&6&4,1 - 7&6&5,0 - 7&6&8,0 - 7&8&1,0 - 7&8&2,0 - 7&8&3,0 - 7&8&4,1 - 7&8&5,0 - 7&8&6,0 - 8&1&2,1 - 8&1&3,0 - 8&1&4,0 - 8&1&5,2 - 8&1&6,3 - 8&1&7,0 - 8&2&1,0 - 8&2&3,0 - 8&2&4,0 - 8&2&5,1 - 8&2&6,2 - 8&2&7,0 - 8&3&1,3 - 8&3&2,1 - 8&3&4,0 - 8&3&5,1 - 8&3&6,0 - 8&3&7,3 - 8&4&1,0 - 8&4&2,6 - 8&4&3,1 - 8&4&5,1 - 8&4&6,0 - 8&4&7,1 - 8&5&1,1 - 8&5&2,1 - 8&5&3,5 - 8&5&4,1 - 8&5&6,0 - 8&5&7,1 - 8&6&1,1 - 8&6&2,0 - 8&6&3,0 - 8&6&4,4 - 8&6&5,2 - 8&6&7,0 - 8&7&1,0 - 8&7&2,0 - 8&7&3,4 - 8&7&4,1 - 8&7&5,1 - 8&7&6,0 Top Five Wins - All Games 1. The Warrior,214 games,73 wins,43 places,28 shows 2. Toto,195 games,48 wins,32 places,32 shows 3. Wonder Boy,198 games,38 wins,28 places,30 shows 4. Smooth Papa,188 games,34 wins,26 places,19 shows 5. The King,241 games,28 wins,36 places,23 shows Top Five In-Money % - All Games 1. The Warrior,.673 2. Toto,.574 3. Wonder Boy,.485 4. Grave Digger,.473 5. The Gladiator,.459 Top Five Team Wins - All Games 1. Toto & The Warrior,10 games,6 wins,3 places,0 shows 2. Robin Hood & Wonder Boy,10 games,4 wins,1 places,2 shows 3. Smooth Papa & El Nino,9 games,4 wins,0 places,0 shows 4. The General & Wonder Boy,8 games,3 wins,1 places,2 shows 5. Grave Digger & Rocco,6 games,3 wins,1 places,1 shows Championship Singles 1. The Miz,0 wins,0 places,0 shows 2. Straight Dealin,0 wins,0 places,0 shows 3. Dos XX,0 wins,0 places,0 shows Championship Doubles - Front Court 1. Dos XX,0 wins,0 places,0 shows 2. Fire Chef,0 wins,0 places,0 shows 3. El Capitan,0 wins,0 places,0 shows Championship Doubles - Back Court 1. Wonder Boy,0 wins,0 places,0 shows 2. Taza,0 wins,0 places,0 shows 3. The Natural,0 wins,0 places,0 shows PLAYER'S SEASON RECORDS Compiled through September 6, 2019 - 9,The Miz. 25 games,4 wins,1 places,2 shows. .160 win %. .280 in money % - 10,Straight Dealin. 114 games,10 wins,7 places,6 shows. .088 win %. .202 in money % - 11,Dos XX. 30 games,4 wins,0 places,4 shows. .133 win %. .267 in money % - 12,Wonder Boy. 198 games,38 wins,28 places,30 shows. .192 win %. .485 in money % - 13,Taza. 72 games,0 wins,9 places,9 shows. .000 win %. .250 in money % - 14,Fire Chef. 85 games,10 wins,12 places,8 shows. .118 win %. .353 in money % - 16,The Natural. 204 games,14 wins,28 places,32 shows. .069 win %. .363 in money % - 17,El Capitan. 12 games,1 wins,0 places,0 shows. .083 win %. .083 in money % - 18,El Bestia. 40 games,4 wins,3 places,1 shows. .100 win %. .200 in money % - 20,Big Mo. 28 games,6 wins,5 places,5 shows. .214 win %. .571 in money % - 22,Ghost. 186 games,23 wins,21 places,27 shows. .124 win %. .382 in money % - 23,The General. 230 games,23 wins,18 places,33 shows. .100 win %. .322 in money % - 25,Robin Hood. 213 games,26 wins,33 places,37 shows. .122 win %. .451 in money % - 26,Barracuda. 15 games,1 wins,6 places,0 shows. .067 win %. .467 in money % - 28,The King. 241 games,28 wins,36 places,23 shows. .116 win %. .361 in money % - 29,Super Jules. 96 games,6 wins,10 places,14 shows. .063 win %. .313 in money % - 30,Momo. 197 games,26 wins,33 places,26 shows. .132 win %. .431 in money % - 31,Grave Digger. 169 games,23 wins,25 places,32 shows. .136 win %. .473 in money % - 33,The Hammer. 93 games,4 wins,4 places,5 shows. .043 win %. .140 in money % - 35,Cabby. 206 games,17 wins,18 places,23 shows. .083 win %. .282 in money % - 37,Big Z. 91 games,1 wins,5 places,4 shows. .011 win %. .110 in money % - 38,Toto. 195 games,48 wins,32 places,32 shows. .246 win %. .574 in money % - 39,Henri. 57 games,3 wins,4 places,6 shows. .053 win %. .228 in money % - 41,Rocco. 130 games,18 wins,15 places,20 shows. .138 win %. .408 in money % - 45,The Tiger. 52 games,1 wins,2 places,5 shows. .019 win %. .154 in money % - 47,Lonzo. 42 games,3 wins,3 places,4 shows. .071 win %. .238 in money % - 54,Barista. 97 games,8 wins,5 places,8 shows. .082 win %. .216 in money % - 57,Smooth Papa. 188 games,34 wins,26 places,19 shows. .181 win %. .420 in money % - 59,Action. 231 games,26 wins,25 places,37 shows. .113 win %. .381 in money % - 60,The Warrior. 214 games,73 wins,43 places,28 shows. .341 win %. .673 in money % - 68,The Horse. 55 games,2 wins,3 places,7 shows. .036 win %. .218 in money % - 76,Yoda. 62 games,2 wins,3 places,6 shows. .032 win %. .177 in money % - 77,The Gladiator. 148 games,25 wins,27 places,16 shows. .169 win %. .459 in money % - 80,Marky Marc. 0 games,0 wins,0 places,0 shows. .000 win %. .000 in money % - 82,Gitty Up!. 146 games,24 wins,12 places,12 shows. .164 win %. .329 in money % - 84,El Nino. 199 games,24 wins,33 places,27 shows. .121 win %. .422 in money % - 88,Monte. 62 games,4 wins,7 places,8 shows. .065 win %. .306 in money % - 92,The Ace. 231 games,18 wins,40 places,25 shows. .078 win %. .359 in money % - 93,Mr. White. 154 games,22 wins,22 places,22 shows. .143 win %. .429 in money % - 99,La Primera. 32 games,1 wins,2 places,4 shows. .031 win %. .219 in money % CALDER JAI-ALAI PLAYER ROSTER - 9,The Miz,back court. height 6'0", weight 190. age 29. Nationality USA - 10,Straight Dealin,front court. height 5'11", weight 240. age 37. Nationality USA - 11,Dos XX,front court. height 5'10", weight 175. age 56. Nationality USA - 12,Wonder Boy,back court. height 5'8", weight 178. age 30. Nationality PHILIPPINES - 13,Taza,back court. height 5'11", weight 178. age 60. Nationality USA - 14,Fire Chef,front court. height 6'1", weight 190. age 41. Nationality MEXICO - 16,The Natural,back court. height 5'11", weight 190. age 39. Nationality MEXICO - 17,El Capitan,front court. height 5'6", weight 200. age 52. Nationality CUBA - 18,El Bestia,back court. height 6'3", weight 260. age 39. Nationality USA - 20,Big Mo,back court. height 5'11", weight 230. age 35. Nationality USA - 22,Ghost,back court. height 5'8", weight 170. age 44. Nationality USA - 23,The General,front court. height 5'8", weight 170. age 29. Nationality USA - 25,Robin Hood,front court. height 5"6', weight 190. age 29. Nationality PHILIPPINES - 26,Barracuda,front court. height 5'9", weight 175. age 52. Nationality USA - 28,The King,back court. height 6'0", weight 205. age 30. Nationality USA - 29,Super Jules,front court. height 5'11", weight 260. age 50. Nationality USA - 30,Momo,back court. height 6'0", weight 215. age 43. Nationality FRANCE - 31,Grave Digger,front court. height 5'9", weight 160. age 51. Nationality CUBA - 33,The Hammer,back court. height 5'11", weight 198. age 60. Nationality USA - 35,Cabby,front court. height 5'11", weight 215. age 41. Nationality USA - 37,Big Z,back court. height 6'1", weight 235. age 46. Nationality USA - 38,Toto,front court. height 5'6", weight 180. age 42. Nationality MEXICO - 39,Henri,front court. height 5'8", weight 175. age 39. Nationality Mexico - 41,Rocco,back court. height 5'11", weight 230. age 31. Nationality USA - 45,The Tiger,back court. height 5'10", weight 250. age 53. Nationality USA - 47,Lonzo,front court. height 5'11", weight 210. age 56. Nationality USA - 54,Barista,back court. height 6'1", weight 190. age 39. Nationality Mexico - 57,Smooth Papa,front court. height 6'0", weight 195. age 57. Nationality USA - 59,Action,back court. height 6'0", weight 199. age 36. Nationality USA - 60,The Warrior,back court. height 5'8", weight 185. age 39. Nationality MEXICO - 68,The Horse,front court. height 6'2", weight 185. age 49. Nationality USA - 76,Yoda,back court. height 6'2", weight 240. age 41. Nationality USA - 77,The Gladiator,back court. height 5'10", weight 200. age 49. Nationality USA - 80,Marky Marc,back court. height 6'0", weight 190. age 55. Nationality USA - 82,Gitty Up!,front court. height 5'10", weight 207. age 37. Nationality USA - 84,El Nino,back court. height 6'3", weight 265. age 24. Nationality USA - 88,Monte,back court. height 6'1", weight 175. age 53. Nationality USA - 92,The Ace,front court. height 5'8", weight 170. age 27. Nationality USA - 93,Mr. White,front court. height 5'9", weight 210. age 52. Nationality USA - 99,La Primera,front court. height 5'2", weight 185. age 54. Nationality USA